Snail Tank


Fish Addict
Jun 4, 2005
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Im going to set up a tank so that my snails can breed and they wont bother my other fish. Its going to have the basics a filter, heater, thermometer, no sand/gravel, and some simple decorations. It going to have 2 Mystery, 5 Ramshorn, and 13 Malaysian Trumpet Snails. I was wondering if I should cycle it or will the snails be ok with the uncycled tank?
Cycle the tank for sure.
Snails are really sensitive to ammonia and nitrite.
I'm not entirely sure about this, but malaysian trumpet snails like to dig through the substrate during the day, not sure why exactly they do this, could be to hide when the lights are on, or could be normal behaviour in the wild.
Either way, you may want to provide them something if not sand or very small gravel to hide in.

You have 13 now, you'll have 130 in weeks. :D
superjalami30 said:
You have 13 now, you'll have 130 in weeks.  :D
I know, when I bought them as 13 snails(not sure how many there are now) my killifish ate 3 that were very tiny and now I have 5 babie trumpets running around there temp. tank. Some might be ramshorn but I cant tell.
i have a couple tanks i use to breed apple snails.
i use gravel or sand in their tanks, gravel is best so when the babies hatch they will fall into the gravel where their shells will harden.

the trumpet snails will multiply like guppies on viagra.

Good luck


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