Snail Questions


Mar 23, 2011
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North Carolina, USA
Recently, I saw a tank of "mystery" snails in my LFS. I've never considered having a snail before, but I thought they were cute and wondered about them. Are they easy to keep? On a whole, I'm more of a novice fish keeper and snails seem to be quite complicated. As far as stats: I have a 98 litre aquarium, and my water pH is 6.8 (I think...that API test is hard to read if you're a bit on the colorblind side, so it might be 7.0) that sufficient to keep a snail? Are they only meant for planted tanks? I've got silk plants in my aquarium, so no rotting vegetation to keep them sustained. I wouldn't mind supplementing its diet with veg or algae wafers. Do they grow very large? I've read about their reproductive process, and I'd prefer to have a male snail. Is there a simple way to determine gender? Thanks for your help, I know I bombard you all with questions on a daily basis :blink:
Hi there, I'm fairly new to the larger snails but first couple of things:

Working out which 'mystery' snails they are! are they trapdoor snails/apple snails/other ?
for instance my local garden centre sells block and gold mystery snails (the black ones are trapdoor's and the golden ones apples!)

Trapdoors can go down to cooler temperates than apple snails.

Your tank sounds fine, and adding supplimental vegetation is ideal (I use cucumber), buy some mini catfish pellets instead of algae wafers, my snails don't tend to touch them until they start to really fall apart - and leave plenty.

trapdoor snails are viviparous so you will get babies no matter what you pick up if they are house communally in the store.

What temperature is your tank at? and what are the tank mates? (snails don't do so well with cichlids, nippy fish, loaches etc.)
Recently, I saw a tank of "mystery" snails in my LFS. I've never considered having a snail before, but I thought they were cute and wondered about them. Are they easy to keep? On a whole, I'm more of a novice fish keeper and snails seem to be quite complicated. As far as stats: I have a 98 litre aquarium, and my water pH is 6.8 (I think...that API test is hard to read if you're a bit on the colorblind side, so it might be 7.0) that sufficient to keep a snail? Are they only meant for planted tanks? I've got silk plants in my aquarium, so no rotting vegetation to keep them sustained. I wouldn't mind supplementing its diet with veg or algae wafers. Do they grow very large? I've read about their reproductive process, and I'd prefer to have a male snail. Is there a simple way to determine gender? Thanks for your help, I know I bombard you all with questions on a daily basis :blink:
snails arent too hard to keep, your ph sounds fine. if you don't have live plants you can put a peice of cucumber in every few days (if theres some algae on the side, snails will eat that) i suggest you get a few apple snails :good:
If your Ph is below 7 it will dissolve their shell and pit them which can lead to death. I have posted in 3-4 other threads today about snails if your want some tips
I believe they are "golden" apple snails, after looking through many, many websites and photos.

Tankmates: 5 GloFish, 1 male molly, 3 male guppies, 3 otocinclus, and 1 male betta. All of them are very peaceful and I don't have any problems with nipping. I don't have a single bottom feeder and was hoping to remedy this soon. I like kuhli loaches, but I don't feel like my tank is set up properly for them, I don't have the proper substrate. I thought the apple snail was unusual and charming. I keep my tank around 78F/26C, nothing extreme.

One thing I am concerned about is my relatively low pH. It's between 6.8 and 7.0, and I read that an apple snail's shell will begin to erode at that pH. I'd hate to keep it in less than optimal conditions and lose it :no: I'm too tender-hearted to lose any pets. I lost a molly a while back and cried for an entire day :sad: My husband had to take his poor little body out of the aquarium for me. Anyway, that's off topic...

My only other questions: How large do they get? The ones in the shop seemed about 2.5 inches/6.4mm, and I have a sneaking suspicion they grow quite a bit larger. And, lastly, are they easy to sex? I'd prefer a male as I don't want to deal with egg clutches. Though, I suppose with diligence, I could keep a close eye on the egg clutches and remove them.

Thank you so much for your help! :good:

If your Ph is below 7 it will dissolve their shell and pit them which can lead to death. I have posted in 3-4 other threads today about snails if your want some tips

That's what I was afraid of :( I'll check out your posts.
Hi they can get as big as 15 cm/6 inch diameter. Other species don't grow that big, but there is a big variation between them. Rather expect them to get 5-8 cm/2-3 inch diameter. One way to determine the sex of an apple snail is by taking the snail out of the water, keep it on it's back and wait until the animal comes out of its shell. At that moment you have to take a look at the upper part of the right mantle cavity. Close to the edge of the shell, you can see the penis sheath. On the subjectot ph 6.8 is not too bad and will take months and months to pit with no care, if you provide a calcium source the snails will eat it and fix their on shell :good: :good:
Hi they can get as big as 15 cm/6 inch diameter. Other species don't grow that big, but there is a big variation between them. Rather expect them to get 5-8 cm/2-3 inch diameter. One way to determine the sex of an apple snail is by taking the snail out of the water, keep it on it's back and wait until the animal comes out of its shell. At that moment you have to take a look at the upper part of the right mantle cavity. Close to the edge of the shell, you can see the penis sheath. On the subjectot ph 6.8 is not too bad and will take months and months to pit with no care, if you provide a calcium source the snails will eat it and fix their on shell :good: :good:

Thank you so much! I'm looking into how to provide calcium sources to freshwater snails online now, and will likely purchase an apple snail shortly! I've decided I'm less fussed about gender and will just remove the egg clutches should I end up with a female. All of your input has been invaluable! :blush:
Welcome, you can buy snail liquid calcium think its about £12 for 500ml, but if like me you had over 1000 apples that got expensive lol. I have been using Tums heart burn tablets which are £3 a box and contain 300mg elemental calcium per tablet. I drop one in the tank and they are like kids with a happy meal lol. I have snail only tanks so dont know have the fish will react so ask some of the fish experts but i have had no problems so far.

A humane way to deal with eggs is just scrap them of the side of the tank with a knife into a platic tub(old butter tub ideal) place in the feezer for 48hours and then throw them out the eggs will never develop and is pain free

Here is a couple of pics of mum and dad they live in a 6.4 ph tank only because all the snails suck the good stuff out the water within hours as ther as so many, but look at their shells i have never seen one in pet store like mine :hey: Exuse the washed out pics, flash is not great


They're lovely :nod: I've gone to get my snail this morning and, seeing it again, it looks a little different than yours.


Not the best picture, as I took it with my phone, but you can still see it. Currently, it's sealed up into its shell; I assume it's scared to death, poor thing. How long should I wait for it to come out of its shell before becoming worried?
Is it still in the bag or have you released it yet. Some snails will take their time to come out, some are out and roaming the tank straight away. Just keep your eye on it and let us know.
He (I have no idea if he is a he, but I'm calling him "he.") came out and started climbing the side of the bag. He went back into his shell for a moment when I placed him into my tank, but came out rather quickly and is currently cruising around happily. He's great :wub:
they can spend 3-4 days in their shell when scared> when mine setteled in they were doing laps around the tank
An update: He did one lap about the tank and then promptly sealed himself shut and hasn't moved at all. I'm doing my best not to prod him, as that will only further stress him. It's hard, though, as I want to make sure he hasn't died :no:
Pretty normal some mine stay in their shells for days, in the wild apples can hide away for weeks at a time as the swaps run try and the just sleep in the mud. I actully caught an apple in gravel vac and didt see him he must have been stuck in the bit of tubing for 4-5 days untill i did the next vac and saw him, thought he was goner put him in a cup of tank water with a slice of cucumber and and he came he now in the main tank doing laps as normal they are hardy little things. They stink when the die so that a tip, you can always pick him and give him sniff but i would leave him for now :)
Against my better judgment, I picked him up and gave him a good whiff and he smells perfectly normal to me :good: Now that he's had several hours to relax, he's opened up a bit. I think he's going to make it, but that he's just highly stressed. I've ordered him some friends--a purple, and a magenta--on and they should be here later this week! Now I want to get into snail keeping! :rolleyes: Thank you again for all of your advice, you don't know how much I appreciate it!

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