Snail problem in livebearer tank


New Member
Feb 26, 2004
Reaction score
Somerset, PA
Hello all...

We have a ten gallon tank with platies and guppies. It's also a planted tank, and we've become overridden with snails. So here's our problem: we also have four two-month-old fry in the tank. We'd like to get rid of the snails, and we purchased some "Had-A-Snail" at our LFS, which, from what I understand, is made of copper/copper sulfate. But before we do anything, we'd like to be certain that it won't hurt the fry. (The packaging only mentions grass shrimp, crayfish, freshwater lobsters, and other inverts-nothing about fry. )
We would greatly appreciate any suggestions or ideas... Thank you!
I dont think I would put it in with the fry. Take a piece of lettuce, anchor it to the bottom with a rock, turn out lights, next day remove the lettuce. Sometimes it works. good luck :)
I would use the method suggested by cometcattle,when you use copper to kill snails in your tank,the dead snails pollute the water TERRIBLY. I used a med with copper in it once in my 20 gallon and it killed 99% of my trumpet snails,my tank was toxic forever. I lost a few fish because of it. It's just now getting back to normal. I would do what cc said. Anchor a piece of lettuce under something,leave it overnight and when you turn on the lights the next morning it should be covered. Just pitch them in the trash. Simple and completelty safe. :)
an easier way is to go to your lfs and ask if you can borrow a couple of clown loaches, if you know them thay may lend you a pair if not buy some but ask if you can swap them if they don't get on with your tank mates (or make something up like that) then give them a couple of days to eat all the snails and take them back. your happy your fish are happy the clown loaches are happy and the snails are gone!!
thats wat happened to me a couple of days ago and i hade 3 clowns at the gobbled them all up :p :thumbs:
Thanks for the great ideas, everyone.

We're probably going to first try the lettuce route, as we don't want to risk the clown loaches vs. the fry until they're at least a little bigger.

Again, we truly appreciate your suggestions! Thanks so much!
Just remember you are "borrowing" the clown loaches, they get way too big for a 10 gallon ;)
I've got exactly the same problem. Only difference is my fry are about 5 days old and my tank is about 15g. The lettuce wont get rid of them all will it? Because I can see some real little snails just forming on the leaves that dont seem to move. I don't know the lfs guy that well either. I'm pretty sure they came from his plants as well. Just trying to remove them by hand at the moment. :dunno:
I've never seen the problem with snails.... in all my tanks I'm often able to see 15 or so even though I know there are probably twice as many as that.....

When they grow big enough to easily be picked off the side (about 5mm) they get fed to my puffers ;)

There are a few more fish that will eat snails, not just clown loaches. Cant remember them off the top of my head tho.

One thing for sure is its always better to address the balance IE add a snail eater, or take a natural measure like the lettuice leaf than using chemicals.
I dont recommend using the chemicals either. The lettuce leaf is a great idea! But instead of pitching them in the trash, take the lettuce leaf and the snails, and put into Ziploc with a moist papertowel, then take them down to your local fish store. They usually have plenty of places for them.
I would recommend getting a new tank to house a puffer :) Free food for your fish, and will be constantly supplied.

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