Snail Pics!

Cute snails. :wub:

If I were a betting man, I'd wager that those will be pets, not dinner. :lol:
SirMinion- I think I'll remain them what you suggested :lol:

nitro- Yep, they're just common pond snails. The lfs charged me for them though :sly:

cometcattle- you'd be wrong. :p I will stay detached from these guys. :nod: I can't wait for my puffers to go "hunting". :hyper: I feel evil now :look:
Thanks Arashi. :) The lfs should get a new shipment in 2 weeks. *crosses fingers*
if you want to keep your snails put them in a net breeding trap if you want and put a lid on the top of it so they wont get out. :thumbs:

I like letting them have the run of the tank, because my puffers will be able to go hunting whenever they want. :nod: Thanks for the idea though :thumbs:
heres a story for you
I started off with 2 snails. I was sooo bored and decided to count them....
Ready for this?? itsbeen 2 months, i now have 204.
Now u can see why i hate them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they breed every single day! i find new eggs everywhere, i pop as many clusters as possible! i hate them!!!!! :-( why do they haunt me!
samthefishman said:
heres a story for you
I started off with 2 snails. I was sooo bored and decided to count them....
Ready for this?? itsbeen 2 months, i now have 204.
Now u can see why i hate them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they breed every single day! i find new eggs everywhere, i pop as many clusters as possible! i hate them!!!!! :-( why do they haunt me!
:lol: That's what happened with mine. I began with one snail, and ended up with a gazillion. It turned me off snails for several years... but I had to get some for the puffers.
Check this out. I had 3 puffers, but I didn't have enough food for them (they would only eat live food). I was feeding them brine shrimp but they were getting expensive to keep buying and a pain in the butt to have to go to the fish store so often (I know, I love the fish store but when you're in there twice a week getting the same thing every time it gets old fast), and brine shrimp aren't very nutritious. So I decided to breed some snails. First I tried apple snails but they just didn't want to get it on. I talked to the LFSO and he said that these guys would multiply like weeds, so I got a few. I ended up with maybe 8 of them. I couldn't feed them to the puffers yet because then I would have nobody to reproduce. Long story short (not so short) as soon as I had my outburst of snails my puffers bit the dust. Now I've got a 20 gal, 10 gal, and 5 gal all overgrown with snails for a combined total of... tons of snails!! :crazy: And now my LFS doesn't carry puffers anymore. Grrrrrr... :sly:
cutechic said:
nitro- Yep, they're just common pond snails. The lfs charged me for them though :sly:
Are you serious?? My LFS will happily give away handfuls for free. They always get snail stowaways in their live plant shipments, so I always get snails when I buy their plants :sly:. Luckily they've been having ramshorn and Malaysian trumpet snails moreso than common pond snails lately... I don't mind those so much. My bettas eat the ramshorn eggs and keep the population down, and I actually like the trumpet snails; they do a good job of keeping my gravel clean. :nod:
Edit: Oh... and neither of those types eat my plants as badly as those troublesome pond snails. Grrrr. :angry:
That sucks, myenigmaself. Can't your lfs specially order some more puffers? -_-

Yeah Synirr, they charge me. I've got a few more lfs I could go to for snails (I don't if if they charge for them, too), but this one is more convenient. Hopefully they'll reproduce so I don't have to keep buying more (I'll probably regret saying that! :lol: ). They haven't been eating the plants yet *touch wood*. :)

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