snail outbreak


New Member
Sep 26, 2003
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Hello all,
I run a 20 gal community tank with cats, tetras a kuhli loach, etc. A few months back we decided to bring in some hornwort and pennywort, and I think it has been very good overall. I developed little red bugs for a while I managed to get rid of by sinking all the plants for a couple of weeks.
Now I have found that we have many little snails all over the tank. They don't yet seem to be doing any real damage to my plants. I guess I am wondering if I should be concerned abou them, and if so, what to do?
Well you can either buy some clown loaches which will eat them (Thats if you have room) or you can buy some chemical stuff, i saw some in my lfs the other day. I dont think they do much harm, just that they would contribute to waste in the tank. Another option is crushing them against the glass and then the fish will eat them.
hth :)
Thanks for the advice. I think for the time I will ignore them as I'm pushing maximum density as it is I believe. Plus I don't think I have the constitution to squirsh them.. much less the time!! Those suckers are small and plentiful.
when someone said to me that you should crush them i was like :sick: . i could do that.. i just brought some clown loaches and i was fine. im sure you'll be okay, i managed to get most of mine out when i was cleaning. I'm sure they'll help keep the tank a bit cleaner. :)
I know this is a bit OTT,but I've actually witnessed my apple snails eating the small trumpet snails. When they crawl up the sides of the tank,the little trumpet snails are there and they crawl right on top of them,open their mouth and suck them in. :sick:

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