Snail Mystery


Fish Fanatic
Jul 24, 2007
Reaction score
Tucson!, AZ
when i bought some plants from the lfs i asked for a few of the european ramshorns as they dont get very big at all. every few days or so i will see a new little 'egg sack' on the glass or somewhere around the tank but a few days later it will be gone. this has been going on for about a month now and the really confusing part of it is i NEVER see any babies... just the four large ones i started with.
i have mainly tetras and the one betta, i hear bettas eat the baby euro ramshorns but i would think that at some point i would have seen at least one right?
i kinda wanted to have some more grow, and i heard these take over pretty fast.
but no luck so far.

that and the little bit of duckweed i had acquired before isnt multiplying, it's less every time i look.

i have the tank from the outer limits. everything is going backwards.
it takes 4-6 weeks for them to be big enough to be visiable, espesualy if you have gravel as a substrate, and your fish may eat small ones but thats not likly. your snails/fish are eating the duckweed. they need it in there diet.

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