Fish Fanatic
here are some fotos sorry they are not great what gender is it and do goramis eat snails?
um i dont have a betta its a goldfish i have a foto in the othe r topic yoy commented on it dous eat my amazon sword(i think)Its an apple snail and probably of the bridgesi species due to your plants not appearing eaten. Your veiltail betta splenden (guessing by the tail in the 2nd pic) is not compatible with other gouramis and will not bully a snail although if you see fish attacking the sensory horns which extend out of the head then the snail should be removed.
wow do not know what hapend to my typing i do not have eny bettas although would like one in my 3gal i have one java loach that i forgot to mention and the tail you say was the shubunkinsum i dont have a betta its a goldfish i have a foto in the othe r topic yoy commented on it dous eat my amazon sword(i think)Its an apple snail and probably of the bridgesi species due to your plants not appearing eaten. Your veiltail betta splenden (guessing by the tail in the 2nd pic) is not compatible with other gouramis and will not bully a snail although if you see fish attacking the sensory horns which extend out of the head then the snail should be removed.
and he is going to go into the breeding tank when it is ready.
i dont have a betta yet but i would put it in ta tank aloneGoldfish may eat snails depends on the size of the snail and size of the goldy. Chinese algae eaters are also debatable over whether they eat snails.... If any snail can survive it will be an apple they have a tough shell and a door which they can close on their shell to prevent attack in their vulnerable fleshy foot. Java loach as in black khuli? They won't eat snails but should be in groups of 5+ to be content and need a 10+ gallon tank so wouldn't be suitable with the betta in such a small tank.
i dont have a betta yet but i would put it in ta tank aloneGoldfish may eat snails depends on the size of the snail and size of the goldy. Chinese algae eaters are also debatable over whether they eat snails.... If any snail can survive it will be an apple they have a tough shell and a door which they can close on their shell to prevent attack in their vulnerable fleshy foot. Java loach as in black khuli? They won't eat snails but should be in groups of 5+ to be content and need a 10+ gallon tank so wouldn't be suitable with the betta in such a small tank.
i dont have a betta yet but i would put it in ta tank alone
and java loach as in purple kuli is in my 42g can i put 5more with it in da 42 will they do well with corys? and cherry red shrimp?
ok they have been sold my goldfish are gone so i can finaly start with a proper set up after my plecogoes to a more suitable home.i dont have a betta yet but i would put it in ta tank alone
and java loach as in purple kuli is in my 42g can i put 5more with it in da 42 will they do well with corys? and cherry red shrimp?
The goldfish are the biggest predators in their at the moment. 5 khulis ect. would all be fine together although the two fish you said you were going to rehome need to be for it to be safe.