snail breeding

1-2 snails and time :) I have a 5.5 gallon tank with a basic lily and a air powered filter. I drop a couple pinches of flake food in a day and they breed alot and grow extremely fast. These are just your basic pond snails. I have one that went from less than 1cm to almost 3cm's in the last 3-4 months. What kind of snail are you looking at breeding? Also what are you breeding them for if anything.
i want to breed my apple snails

no real reson really

ive got 3 of them dont no if boys or girls though

do u think they will breed or is there somthik special that will trigger sprawnin
I don't think snails are defined as boy-girl I believe they are asexual. I don't know much about apple snails hopefully someone with more experiance with apple snails will come along.
apple snails do have male and females

thats why they arn't classed as pest snails

they have to breed 'properly' and the eggs are easy to remove if you dont want them to breed.
Depends which snails....some snails are asexual or both sexes (forgot the word for it lol) like said...but others like apple snails are not and have specific sexes. Generally i find snails aren't a problem to breed and are a pest lol ;)
Rybka said:
Depends which snails....some snails are asexual or both sexes (forgot the word for it lol) like said...but others like apple snails are not and have specific sexes. Generally i find snails aren't a problem to breed and are a pest lol ;)
Hermaphrodite and I don't think any of the Apple species are.

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