Smoking Near Marine Tanks


New Member
Jan 17, 2008
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it maybe a silly question but dose any one have trouble smoking near marine tanks

i have a tank in my livingroom and thair are 3 smokers in the house

the fish in the tank are all fine but any corals or inverts i put in seem to last a few weeks and die

if u see my other posts u will see i have tried most things and this has come to mind as a reason ?
This could be down to a few things. The first thing that came to mind was that if you have used any medications in the tank to treat a diseased fish, the copper would kill any coral or invert in there.
For the corals, low calcium levels could be the culpret.
Its something that has worried me as well :crazy:
I dont smoke in the house as a point but when its flippin cold and the weather is like it has been since yesterday evening, I do smoke in the garage and the sump is in the garage and the only place to stand in the garage is besids the sump :blink: I just make sure no ash going in the sump but apart from that I have not had any problems yet.... mind you my tank has been setup only since 1st week of jan and the only corals in the tank are about 3 weeks old. Corals are fine and growing pretty fast.

ok start by giving us some details

tank size
equipment your using
water RO/tap?
water parameters

and what is in the tank at the moment livestock wise and LR

how are you mixing SW and how often are you doing water changes and how much are you doing?
what coral have you tried introducing and how are you acclimatising it?

sorry this list of questions is so long but hopefully it will give us all some info to try and help you

Finally hang in there and im sure there are peole here that will help you solve your problems :good:
reading your previous posts I would have to say your wrasse is the most likely culprit, I had one about a year back and caused me no end of problems with nipping corals could be the filefish as well, once the coral is picked on it will never open and then just die off, almost certainly going to be your live stock causing problems, but will still help to have all the details again
I would have to disagree here. Relatively few wrasses pick on corals, and though some filefishes do this is limited to SPS from my reading. I agree it would help if more full details were posted.

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