Smelly Goldfish!


New Member
Jan 2, 2006
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Hornchurch (SE england)
I keep two goldfish in a small tank. I noticed that the water had gone extremely smelly and there was a jellefied substance in the tank. I cleaned the tank and everything in it but the next day the tank is going back to the same state. What could be the problem. I suspect some sort of bacteria but how do i get rid of it?
Thanks in advance. :)
The tank is the correct size for the fish and hasn't been a problem before (i know about the size of tanks and fish as i keep a tropical tank).
However i checked the tank a little while ago and it seems to have cleared up.

thanks for replying.
But you still haven't answered the original questions... Whats your feeding regime like, too? Ie, what sort of food, how often etc.
for 2 goldfish your looking at 20g absolute minmum.

post the tank size, plants, substrate, watet tests results, maintenance schedule, feeding schedule and we will try and help
The words "small tank" and "goldfish" do not go together. Goldfish are not like tropicals; they require more gallons per inch of adult size, and immensely strong filtration. If you have two fancies, you're looking at a min. 30g tank, which I wouldn't call small. If you have two commons... I'd invest in a pond, because even in my 75g, two 7-in goldfish had some ammonia problems.
What's more, is the tank cycled with extra filtration and good aeration? It seems like a tank couldn't develop a gell on the surface if if had a strong current and bubbler.

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