Smart Fish


Fish Connoisseur
Mar 2, 2009
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I was just wondering if anyone has any clever fish? or just plain crazy!

Its just I cannot believe the antics my two plecs get up to and unless you saw it with your own eyes it sounds so unbelievable. I wish I had a video camera because even I dont believe my own eyes sometimes. They seem to make up their own games in the tank....

Bat the airstone. I have an airline just dangling in the tank with an airstone on. My two plecs will push it around with their noses as far as the line will go then chase it and catch it in their mouths. They will also dangle upside down and bat it with their tails.

Peek a boo. My sofa backs onto the tank (not touching) and my two boys will duck down then pop up and call peek a boo. The two fish will swim to the front of the tank and look over the sofa when the boys hide and then duck down when the boys pop up. The kids get bored before the fish do.

Spray bar surfing. This is a new game as they have had a new spray bar. Both fish will sit with their tails on the bottom of the tank with their fins fully extended. The air bubbles from the spray bar get caught under their fins and fat bellies and eventually slowly lift the fish to the surface. As they near the surface they will flick away all the air under them and float back down and start again!

OI!!!. this is an annoying game they have usually at feeding time. They will swim hard against the glass up and down the tank so you hear their noses squeaking on the glass.

The largest one really loved being petted and will turn upside down to have his belly rubbed.

Now my mum, who is not really into fish, came to tea today. She bought the kids some sweets, the dogs some treats and two slices of ham for the plecs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this shocked me as when I first got them she said "bloody ugly things you want to get rid of them"

Do I just have crazy fish or does anyone else have any characters?
I'm loving the sound of these guys. True entertainment they must be very happy indeed.

My two clown loach used to swim at speed nose to tail of each other in circles for a minute or so. Fun to watch.
ive got a pictus that if you put a sucker randomly on the glass it will circle it constantly day and night for 2/3 days and iff you put 2 in about 6" apart it does a figure of 8 around them lol and my giant gourami jumps out for food and begs for food by moving his head from side to side with his mouth open or if he wants to play he will tap his mouth on the glass next to me and swim around the tank and do it again lol he likes to be petted too

we got a female mississippi map 4" and a male false map 4.5" today we rescued from uttoxeter they are mental too lol
Well, as soon as I get to my tank, my fish are there, trying to basically get out at me.
If you stick your arm in the tank, you will get "Pecked" by the fish.
They will almost jump for food

And leftover food is never a problem in this tank.
Not so blooming clever today, just naughty!!! they have pulled the airline so hard that it has come out of the none return valve!!!!

Its nice to know I am not the only one with crazy fish lol
I used to have a rainbow shark long ago when I was a kid that would swim against the outlet of my HOB power filter and jump into the filter canister.

He'd hang around in there for a bit, then relax and flop back into the tank. He would do this every 10 minutes or so for about 1-2 hours after the tank lights went out before resting down for the night. The tank was in my bedroom and I remember going to sleep many nights listening to his thrashing up the stream - pause inside the filter - flop back into the tank routine.

I thought maybe he craved more current so I placed a powerhead on one of my UG filter risers but he still prefered the filter antics and didn't want anything to do with the powerhead.

I really miss having an aquarium :(

I would love to see videos of the Plecs if you ever get ahold of a camera!
Lol... your plecos sound adorable :D

I used to have a betta who seemed to enjoy playing with marimo balls.
Had put 2 in his side of the tank (was a divided in half 10gal).. His little game would be to stare down the balls... then suddenly go in for the attack! He'd do this a few times, then he'd squeeze through inbetween them. Attack them some more, then finally would rest on them. :p Was so hilarious watching him.
He also used to love sleeping right up against them as well. I remember freaking out 1 time b/c I couldn't see him anywhere, and sure enough, he was right up against the moss balls. The balls were dying though so I eventually had to take them out.
Did get a photo of it though! :D

On the other side of the divider was a female betta. They used to flare at eachother a lot as expected. But one time, I spotted him plastered up against the divider. I mean he was right up against it, and there was my female betta, staring at him and trying to peck away at him through the divider. It wasn't like their usual flaring at eachother. It really did look like he was teasing her.
If those fish could talk, I could totally imagine him doing the Nelson (from the Simpsons) laugh.. Ha Ha!
I wasn't quick enough to get a photo of him when he was right up against the mesh.. but I did manage to get these 2 photos when it happened.

You can see him through the divider in this one lol
Here's a fun game for my fish.

Current Surfing.

My tank is a Trapezoid (Half a hex) and at the 2 points, there is usually alot of current, well, the fish swim up to it and will let the current take them, swim back to it and repeat.
lol wish my plec played....but anyway i have an ballon molly which for some reason will go from one side of the tank to the other....but will do this sideways and across the floor!!! it causes sand to go everywhere!!, theres also a bridge in my tank which he will go upto one side and hit it with his side, then to the same on the other! he does this alot if i manage to catch a video i will post it!!, i also have a blue betta which tends to always come and brush himself against my hand whenever i move anything in the tank, hes very intrested in everything in the tank, he has to be the most noesy fish ive come across!!
my pleco used to always try and catch. me if i put my hand in the tank it would hide behind somethink thinking i couldnt see it and then he would sudenly jump out and suck on to my hand or if i was fast enough he would just chase my hand round the tank
My bristlenose plec used to hop inside the juwel filter intake pipe - scared the living daylights out of me the first time!
I hope I do this right!!! if I do this is little Jethro kissing my palm lol


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