Smallest Tank Size


Fish Herder
Aug 1, 2010
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Bedfordshire UK
What is the smallest suitable size for a single betta? 40l or so? Im going to be putting my tetras into the main tank soon, and our new betta Blueberry wont need 90l all to himself! Im going to be using that as a cory breeding tank.
Or can i combine the two? Could a betta be trusted with baby corys?
He will most definitely eat the babies. Betta's love anything that moves and can fit in there mouth. A good size for a single male would be 5gals.
I would say 5gal minimum. I have a betta in a 5gal and hes very happy.
5 gal is what I'm hearing.. I'll be putting my blind boy Osel into one when I get the funds, he's currently chilling in a 1 gal tank.
I currently have have only 2 splendens, Cygnet, a Combtail I've had in a 5 gallon Walstad for about 4 years now (the age at which I lost my [sold-as-Half-Moon] hyperactive Silk, my 1st-ever male betta, who had a 15g, and Confetti, a Crowntail [who initially couldn't swim, having no fin membranes, and was never very active even when they mostly grew in] my 2nd-ever male betta, who had a 10g much of his life, though he wound up in a 5g in his last year)and a small Crowntail, who I recently bought because he reminded me of a fish I'd had and looked so terribly unhappy, and who is in a little 3-gallon in-a-pinch planted tank squeezed in under the q tank and looking much prettier and livelier than he did in the unheated little container in the store. (Duh, lol.)

Personally, I'd prefer to have them in larger tanks with more swim room and interest, but the plants make a big difference and give them something to swim through and around, a favorite betta activity.

But I've been greedy about more fish & more tanks, The Great Tank Reshuffle to make room which was supposed to take place a couple of year ago never has yet, and due to my father's recent death and the problems suffered by my mother (who I care for) since, we may be moving in the spring or summer so...

I'd say, if you're settled and you can manage something bigger than a 5g, go for it, at least I would.

They certainly can seem OK in a smaller tank, depending on the fish's character and activity level, and your circumstances.

But, as in the examples given, I'd never have put my non-stop-go Silk in anything smaller than a 15 and would not have downgraded Confetti to a smaller tank had it not seemed to suit his condition.

The new little one is better off than he was, and might have been, which is about all I can say about that, except that he seems happy and looks much better, and appears to enjoy investigating his tiny tank and the plants and rocks within.

Bettas are a group of distinct individuals, and, personally, I think that's why we love them so much and always want more...
I would personally say, 10gals. Mainly because the water quality is easier to handle, than a 5gal. Also, bettas aren't very good at keeping fry count down. My male betta and the females, never even touched the guppy fry, they may pick one or two but they would't take the lot out.

But I wouldn't put a betta in a breeding tank for cories.

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