Smallest Suitable Shrimp For My Community Tank


New Member
Oct 18, 2012
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Leeds, UK
Hi guys and gals, I'd like to add a couple of shrimp to my community tank that I'm just putting together. So far I have 6 medium sized (3-4cm) forktail rainbowfish. I'm adding Celestial Pearl Danios this weekend. I'll be having Ottos and Panda Corys (or smaller Corys) when the tank's matured. Also, and here might be the issue, I was planning on Glowlight Danios and Green Neon Tetra. I would happily swap either of those out for better suggestions if people had them but in general I would like that list.

So, shrimp-wise, I'd like something around the 3-4cm mark. When they get any bigger they give my missus the heebie jeebies. Algae eating would be great but it doesn't have to be the be and all end all.

Thanks in advance :)
Cherry shrimp only reach around 4cm and they now come in a range of colours such as yellow, chocolate and orange there are blue ones as well but I don't think the gene has been set yet like it has in yellows. Then there are Rili cherry shrimp which also come in red rili and yellow rili.
Cherry shrimp are the hardiest of the pet shrimp and will tolerate a much wider pH and temp range than other dwarf shrimp.
Thanks for getting back to me :)

Will they not get eaten though? That's my main concern. I've seen people say "Once they get the taste for it you're screwed" so didn't want to add a small shrimp and then not be able to get larger ones in the future either.
I keep both glowlight danios and green neons with shrimps
Oto's wont bother shrimp and my various corys have never shown the slightest interest in my cherry shrimp, neither have my black neon tetras or golden tetras. My Pacific Blue Eyes might eat shrimplets I am not sure but I know even my biggest female guppies don't bother about snacking on the shrimp.
If anyone in your tank was going to eat shrimp (and even then most likely only shrimplets) I would think it would be the danios. But if you are worried about losses then you could always breed up the shrimp in another tank or breeding net in your current tank and then when you have a good number of shrimp release them into the main tank. my cherry shrimp are now reaching plague proportions so if any of my fish did develop a taste for the shrimp I would almost welcome it.

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