Smallest Nano Reef


Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Kenosha, Wisconsin
My LFS has set up a 1g nano reef. Its basically got live rock, live sand, and a few little corals growing, but it appears to be doing well. They even added a baby clown fish.
Umm... a few hundrend ml methinks. Some did a really cool one out of one of those new fangled ant farms-pretty cool, especially since it came with blue LED's :)

I'm doing a less than 1g one ATM.
Sorry guys, but, c'mon......a feather duster in a 1 quart???? C'mon. SH
Sorry guys, but, c'mon......a feather duster in a 1 quart???? C'mon. SH

Indeed, but as with most things, when you start looknig into the views of people who actually keep them (in this case, pico reefs) you'll see views are very different. RE tank size for corals, fish, lighting- almost every aspect.
Sorry guys, but, c'mon......a feather duster in a 1 quart???? C'mon. SH

It looks like it has zoos and stuff in it for the later pictures...I am left wondering though whether that big branching thing in the right corner is actually alive or not.
DOH! Yeah that second page button is a nice thing to see isn't it :blush:

(edit for mis-spell giberish...I seem to have a case of chronic typos today)
woooooooooooow id love to set up a mini nano and just house 1 maybe 2 bits of LW / coral still costly though im guessing? and no chances of fish which sucks :(
Looks like a Majano Anemone - a pest

Aw... :sad: they look neet too. I was going to be amazed that it was doing ok in such a small system, but I guess if it's Majano then it's no big surprise.

BTW, what exactly has to be in a tank anyway to pass the SH test as a real pico tank? How about a tank with a single shroom? :lol:

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