Smallest Catfish.... That Is Not A Cory..

Hi :) yeah don't worry, I've lept Ottos before, in a planted 2.5ftx8inchx8inch planted mini-river setup.

Cories are ncie, but i've kept so many over the years, I was after a an alternative hence 'that is not a Cory' thanks :)
On a different note, there is also the Tanganyikan Synodontis Petricola - smaller than the larger type corydoras.
The Akysis are peaceful little critters IME. They aren't territorial or particularly social/schooling fish either from what I've seen. Not as strictly nocturnal as the Asian bumblebee catfish either, particularly if their tankmates aren't too much larger. Quite active at feeding time, and like many catfish will eat so much they look like they should roll around the substrate on their fat little bellies. They will eat small fry, but anything 1" or larger should be safe enough.
Asian bumblebee cats aren't territorial fish either.
My asian bumblebee is territorial, much more so than my previous african bumblebees....

thanks though! will check out Akysis!

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