I have 2 55 gallon tanks. Both currenlty have very small worm type of looking things that really don't move, but rather just cling to the side of the tank and the decorations. I've treated one of the tanks twice with clout, both times thinking it would solve the problem. In my oscar tank, both times it seemed to help the fish and bring it back from deaths door. But the problem keeps coming back. I've had first for 10 years now and have never seen anything like this with such visiable signs. One thing I wonder is about 2 months ago, I lost a large pleco in each tank and have yet to replace them. Wondering if the little things were always there and I was just never seeing them if the pleco was eating them? Anyway, let me know if I need to give more info. I raised the temp in the tank from 70 to 76 or so thinking it might help about 2 days ago.