Small White Worms?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 24, 2005
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I have found tiny white worms in my plastic aquarium. They are sittuated on the glass of the aquarium.

What do you think they are? What should I do?

The tank has no fish, its new and it only has plants.
Ill give it a shot.... :)

Maybe its Planaria?
They are a sign of excess food or nutrients in the tank. A new tank is a bit more prone to getting these than a mature tank. They don't bother your fish a bit, and may even be a food source for young fry or tiny fish.
They prob came along with the plants...

Usually they appear due to overfeeding......
Planaria can actually be a serious pest in breeders tanks. They attack eggs and are quite capable of taking newly hatched, egg yolk feeding fry. They are certainly not a problem in a community tank, and as stated above, if the feed level is not excessive, will die out in short order.

These worms, they are flat and "glide" about over the glass etc.?
I got planaria, copepods and snails when I put my plants in during cycling. Needless to say, a couple of days after putting fish in, all pest life was eradicated. (except the snails, which were removed by hand)

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