Small white bugs and worms on driftwood


New Member
Dec 9, 2023
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SF Bay Area
Hey everyone

So in my 10g planted tank (currently no fish) I noticed some small bugs and worms on the driftwood, which can be seen in the video below:

Can anyone help me identify what these are, if I should be worried about them and if so, what I can do about them?

The crawling white bugs are copepods. I'm not sure about the worms, but they look like some sort of nematode. They won't be anything to worry about, especially the copepods. What you're doing right now is growing a whole pantry of snacks for your eventual fish residents, so keep it up ;)
White dots are Copepods as mentioned by Seisage.

The worms are probably detritus worms and are harmless. However, if you see huge numbers of the worms swarming on the glass and in the water, that usually indicates a water quality problem or really dirty substrate. If that happens, do a huge (75-90%) water change and gravel clean the substrate. Clean the filter too.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.
Alright, thank you both! I'm feeling better about the situation now and will do a water change/gravel vac/filter clean if the worm population explodes.

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