Small transportable aquarium?


New Member
Jul 3, 2022
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Good day, I would love to own a 2-5 gallon betta tank. However I work 2 weeks on/off where I am stationed in a house about 300km away. Would a glass Fluval Spec V be okay? Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you!
You really shouldn’t transport any aquarium with water + ornaments and gravel in as it can break the bottom. If this was how you were going to do it
It would be extremely stressful and unhealthy to move your fish every two weeks when you move
Exactly. I wouldn't own a fish if you have to do this all the time. Way too stressful on them.
Also minimum tank size for a betta (depending on species) is a 5 gallon, so 2 gallons is too small.
Sorry mate, I have to agree with the above. Apart from the weight of a glass tank filled with stone and water (it's always heavier than you imagine!) it's just not good for the fish to be moved back and forth every fortnight - fish don't travel well! They're not a very transportable pet! 300kms is close to 200 miles as well, right? That's not a short journey.

Even if you could work out the practicalities in terms of a plastic tank or something to make it easy for you - putting the fish through that amount of stress would be cruel, and stressed fish become sick fish, easily become dead fish. Better to either have someone at home who can be trusted to care for the fish while you're away at work, or to wait until your work situation is different I'm afraid.

Have a thick piece of plywood under the tank so you can lift it evenly. Drain half or so of the water into a bucket and put it back in upon arrival. Simple.
Bear in mind that it's a 300km trip mind. I'd be concerned about filtration, ammonia build up, temp fluctuations in a car in Canada, let alone the stress to the fish with all that being moved around. I don't think the betta would last long!
Hear me now and believe me later. This is entirely possible and no harm will come to the fish. It's one fish in a five gallon. I traveled with a Betta in a motor home once. Didn't bother him a bit and he got to see Mount Rushmore.
Dang, I'd love to see Mount Rushmore!
I believe you! But also super curious about how it all worked :)
There is a thread somewhere in TFF with a fish transporter - A tube with a handle. I think it was for transporting larger fish from LFS to home.
There is a thread somewhere in TFF with a fish transporter - A tube with a handle. I think it was for transporting larger fish from LFS to home.
Yah... Kinda weird looking but it works lol
Found it!

@AdoraBelle Dearheart You would be let down by Mount Rushmore. It really isn't that big or impressive and the whole Black Hills is an expensive tourist trap.
As for my Betta , I had him in a two gallon Critter Carrier in the sink of the RV. Towels underneath his abode to cushion him from road shock and prevent water leaking catastrophe. I was going to be gone for awhile and didn't want to leave him home. Later that year I was going to go to Texas for the winter ( not my idea) and I had a plan in place to take my Killies with me. I'm sure it would have worked but the trip got canceled (Yay !) and I didn't have to find out.
But anyway, to return to the question at hand , @Phantzypants should be able to figure out a workable plan. A small aquarium with one fish shouldn't be difficult to transport. As I mentioned , I would have a slightly larger than base dimension of the tank piece of plywood underneath so that when you lift it you don't twist the tank and make it leak. A five gallon with half the water and everything else couldn't be more than 35 to 40 pounds. Even I can lift that. Drive carefully and don't slosh things around.
@AdoraBelle Dearheart You would be let down by Mount Rushmore. It really isn't that big or impressive and the whole Black Hills is an expensive tourist trap.
As for my Betta , I had him in a two gallon Critter Carrier in the sink of the RV. Towels underneath his abode to cushion him from road shock and prevent water leaking catastrophe. I was going to be gone for awhile and didn't want to leave him home. Later that year I was going to go to Texas for the winter ( not my idea) and I had a plan in place to take my Killies with me. I'm sure it would have worked but the trip got canceled (Yay !) and I didn't have to find out.
Rushmore was disappointing but the crazy horse memorial and museum were amazing

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