Small tank


New Member
Jul 23, 2003
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I have a small 2 and a half gallon tank. :/ What fish are good to put in this tank without being over crowded? :unsure: I have been to the pet store over 3 times in the last two days because my fish have either been too aggressive or it just died. :( I don't know what to put in my tank. Right now I have a small pregnant black molly and then a balloon molly wich is going back to the store tomorrow because she killed my other balloon molly... :-( . Please help...
I was going to say a betta, but with a molly it may mistake it for one of its own kind. Maybe a few neons would suit you?
if you have a pregnant molly, you may need to have an extra tank ready for babies or the trap ready. Also for that size of a tank, it may get overcrowded with all those babies.

Tetra is good. I have Black skirted tetra and they are so cute and calm. Not aggressive at all.
What are the dimensions of the tank and what kind of filtration does it have?

Two and a half gallons is not really big enough for the long term up keep of any fish,by the standard rule of thumb you are only allowed 2 1/2 inches of fish in that much water,that would add up to just one molly or 3 small tetras such as neons.
The only species of fish i can suggest you keep in a tank that size would be a pair of killie fish (Aphyosemion species) and even then i would recomend a 5 gallon tank.
Thank you guys for giving me some info on what to do. I really appreciate it. I just have a tank for the fun of it, I'm not really too serious about everything but thank you again for all of the information. :D
I have a 2.5 gallon tank also, and I have a dwarf puffer in there. He seems really happy and he will not outgrow the tank... I had 3, but one died from the water (i think) and Im not sure how the other one died, but the one I have left seems to be doing really well. They have a great personality and are the first fish I have owned, that "sleep". On the bottom, looking dead, sleep... :p :lol:
Thank you, I think I will have to try a dwarf puffer. Do you think I can get one at Petsmart or Petco because I have never heard of a dwarf puffer? Are they cute? Well, thanks for the info. :)
Thanks for that link but on the site it said that the dwarf puffer would nip the fins of other you think that it would nip the fins of my black molly? :blink: They are very cute and I would love to have one :) but it said that I had to feed it 'shelled foods once a week to keep the growth of its teeth under control'. In that case, what should I feed it? :unsure:
I feed mine snails or ghost shrimp.... he seems to like the game of trying to get the shrimp... :lol: I think they are pretty cute. Mine is a male, and I named him George... Very curious fish. :D

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