Small Reef Tank


Fish Crazy
Jun 28, 2006
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right this is stupid, i know, cos i work in a fish store, but anyway, how much rock would be needed in my 30" 72 litre tank. i currently have roughly ten kilos of rock. most of it is live rock, but some tuffnel rock (i was told this was good for the pH). is this enoough? and also, is it essential to have a skimmer right away? or can i wait a while? (obviously id get it before the fish and stuff), because ive heard of people going without them? thanks for your help
Sorry my marine knowhow is limited but on a 72 litre tank you wont need a skimmer at all (if you dont want one i guess) weekly water changes 10-20% (correct me if im wrong please) will be fine. As for LR you need atleased 1 pound (lbs) per gallon of water for an effective filteration method for a reef.

sorry i cant help anymore but someone will come along and help more soon,
right this is stupid, i know, cos i work in a fish store, but anyway, how much rock would be needed in my 30" 72 litre tank. i currently have roughly ten kilos of rock. most of it is live rock, but some tuffnel rock (i was told this was good for the pH). is this enoough? and also, is it essential to have a skimmer right away? or can i wait a while? (obviously id get it before the fish and stuff), because ive heard of people going without them? thanks for your help

For a 72 litre tank I'd go for 8 kilos of live rock

I'd dump the Tuffa

You can certainly wait for a while before you get a skimmer

Going skimmerless is certainly an option
there are equal benefits from going skimmerless and skimming.

Skimmerless - More trace elements which may cancel dosing. Less room taken up in your tank. Doesnt remove as much beneficial micro life.

Skimmer - Can help with nitrate and phosphate levels, some people say it can make you lazy about water change (i dont believe it, i think you should still do at least 15% change weekly) slows down the buildup of DOC's that can rise very fast in nano tanks.

I went with the skimmer, i dont mind dosing the tank with elements if nessicary (which i doubt since i do 25% weekly water changes)

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