small rasboras ans stocking


Oct 12, 2004
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I would like to hear opinions and experiences about these.
In this case I mean rasboras like boraras brigittae, maculatus, urophthalmoides and so...

What kind of rasboras do you have? How big are they? How do they act? Are they shy, agressive, morbid, .....?

I don't have any of the really small Rasboras at the moment, but over the years I have kept most of them as they become available.

They act like most other peaceful shoaling fish. In a quiet tank without big fast tankmates, no, they are not shy at all. If they are in a situation where there are big fish around, then naturally, they tend to keep out of the way. I am not aware of any truly aggressive Rasboras.

My R. maculata bred at about 20mm but I only managed to raise a couple of fry to adulthood, they require REALLY small food and suprising amounts of it.

I've never bred uropthalma. They tend to get a little bigger, maybe 25mm.

Nice little things, can make a small tank look bigger when you keep such small fish.
How much do these little guys make waste? How much they burden the water?

The real question is: can I have more of them?

I have 7 urophthalmoides and 13 brigittae. They are in 80 l tank and other fishes are:
2 borellii ciclids
2 hillstream loaches
3 coolie loaches
(+4 cherry barbs who are moving very soon).

When cherrys are off, the only fishes I see in tank are borilliis (propably). Do You think that small rasboras will show more when fullgrown and cherrys are away? Or is only way to see rasboras more to by more of them (and get bigger tank?)?

thapsus said:
How much do these little guys make waste? How much they burden the water?

The real question is: can I have more of them?

I have 7 urophthalmoides and 13 brigittae. They are in 80 l tank and other fishes are:
2 borellii ciclids
2 hillstream loaches
3 coolie loaches
(+4 cherry barbs who are moving very soon).

When cherrys are off, the only fishes I see in tank are borilliis (propably). Do You think that small rasboras will show more when fullgrown and cherrys are away? Or is only way to see rasboras more to by more of them (and get bigger tank?)?

You tank is 21 gallons, I'd say you are at your limit, unless you are running a cnnister filter or sump filter on it.
If you have a cannister then you could increase the stock slightly.

Are you aware that hillstream loaches are coldwater fish?
If you have the funds then another tank is the best way to go, then you could keep the HSL with other kinds of coldwater or even subtropical fish (WCMM's etc.)
Temperature in my tank is 24C degrees. I know, this temperature is too low for coolie loaches. I have two internal filters, eheim and weaker resun. They circulate about 1000 litres per hour. I think that there is enough oxygen for HSL but instead I'm a little bit worried that brigittaes don't like that much current. I've tried to locate some plants and wood so that they will make calmer spots to aquarium. What should I do?


Some ibids say that boraras should be kept in 23-25 C degrees and some say that in 25-28C degrees. Which are right or does it depend on where the fishes come? Help. Someone? :huh:
Ok :huh: Where are brigittae from? I presume Borneo. And temperature 25->
So why Gastromyzon punctulatus (from borneo) is coldwater fish?

I'm not arguing, I'm just wondering. Anyway this means that I really have to buy third aquarium. Thats ok... :fun:

So how should I devide my fish? And how small can this new aquarium be. Only space left in my apartment is corner beetween door and window 40 cm x 60 cm.
Because this corner is on bedroom, filter shoul be as quiet as possible...hmm. Any ideas?
maybe it has to do with the kind of rivers they are from? Perhaps one is from mountain streams and rivers and the other is from lower down :dunno:

You could PM kerchang (sp) as he lives in borneo, perhaps he has some insight.

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