Small Rainbowfish

See my post a few posts up :D The reason it can't be treated is because it's the handling stress that is the problem.

Oh I know, I was agreeing with you :) I find they get to a certain size then show these signs of illness which cannot be treated. Touch wood my Lacustris are doing fine, and have grown very well and colour up/display all the time.

I'm not sure whether to go ahead with this now. As the McCulloch's are £7 each it would cost me £70 to get the 10 I was planning. If they are all probably going to die then rainbowfish don't seem like a good prospect for a beginner like myself. :(

I think I should wait until I have more experience.

I haven't had any experience with the Mulloch's, but it's the Praecox you need to be wary of. I'd give the Mulloch's a go, maybe get 6 to start with and see how you get on. Honestly Rainbows are great fish :good:
I'm not sure whether to go ahead with this now. As the McCulloch's are £7 each it would cost me £70 to get the 10 I was planning. If they are all probably going to die then rainbowfish don't seem like a good prospect for a beginner like myself. :(

I think I should wait until I have more experience.

I think the muccullochs would be a hardier species only becuase they have not been so mass bred as the praecox. 10 fish is a very good number to go for, but also consider that you do not need to buy that many in one go.
I'll rethink the McCullochs - maybe start with 6 and then add another 4 later if all goes well. I am going to go back to the shop with some searching questions now.

Thanks for all your advice.

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