Fish Fanatic
To keep with my 5 bar cichlid,2 hujetas,needle nose, fire eel, starry night eel, and snow-white crayfish,??? But that eat live fish???
what size tank is it going into?To keep with my 5 bar cichlid,2 hujetas,needle nose, fire eel, starry night eel, and snow-white crayfish,??? But that eat live fish???
Took your advice and got a butis butisbutis butis
wolf fish
leaf fish
The wolfish gets too big doesn't itbutis butis
wolf fish
leaf fish
Awww man I really wanted one after i saw wat it did to some other fish wat else somethin similar to iti think 125g is plenty for a wolf fish. but then again.. it will definitly eat some of ur tankmates lol