Small Polyp Stoneys With Valentini Pufferfish


Fish Fanatic
Jul 13, 2009
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Everyone knows I have a valentini puffer in my reef tank and I would like to start small polyp stoneys could I keep some with him because he doesn't nip at any corals or feather dusters only rockwork would he be okay or would he grate his teeth on them any help please :good::good::good::good::good::good:
Well it is a bit soon to tell yet Dodge as you have only had him a little while but maybe buy an inexpensive small frag and see what happens. We can never say with certainty what they will do, it's a bit hit and miss i'm afraid

Seffie x

It's 50/50 mate...quote from tristan lougher, "in the wild these fish eat filamentous algae, crustaceans, polychaete worms, corals and echinoderms"..
As seffie says it will be trial and error and her idea of trying with a frag first is always a good idea....
Well I would like to get them from reefworks because I have seen some beautiful specimins well if my puffer wanted to nip at my corals wouldn't he have done so by know I think I will give it a shot also has anyone had this problem my female tomato clown keeps on shoving her head in it's mouth :good:
Well I would like to get them from reefworks because I have seen some beautiful specimins well if my puffer wanted to nip at my corals wouldn't he have done so by know I think I will give it a shot also has anyone had this problem my female tomato clown keeps on shoving her head in it's mouth :good:
Take it that's the puffers mouth and not her own,lol.....her way of gently moving him away before the usual charging bite tactics these little furies are renound for.
not fish eat all corals you could find that if you put sps in that a puffer may only got for example millepora but it may do more of maybe not touch anything. its just like the old dwarf angle fear with coral eating ive heard a lot of people say they never touch a thing the maybe add a catalaphyllia and the angel rips it to pieces, know another guy who had that happen with his trachyphillia(sp)

your clown sticks its head in the puffers mouth? i take it its a big puffer and a baby tomato clown?
No The tomato clown sticks her head in the bubbletip anemones mouth sorry I forgot to write bubbletip anemone it would be funny though if that happened

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