Small plec


New Member
Aug 5, 2003
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western Canada
I was given a plec from son...he is dark with yellow spots and although is about 1 1/2 years old is still only about 2 inches long. His fins are almost clear with the yellow spots. I have been looking but cant find out what kind he is. Any ideas?

p.s. he was in a 10gal tank for most of time, then 100gal for a few months now in 25 gal tank.
Many plecs sound like your description. Have you checked here?
nope...hadn't checked that site (its a good one)

guess he is a L-18 (gold nugget, but does not have the yellow on tail and fin. I was sure they grew bigger than he is at 1 1/2 years, but maybe is still small cause of tank size???

guess hubby will have to call him Spot instead of Hippo (for hippoplecotomus) he has a wierd sense of humor LOL
check a clown pleco.. they are small pleco's that kind of fit the description.. they are one of the dwarf pleco's and won't get much bigger then the one u have..

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