small peacefull cory?


New Member
Mar 7, 2005
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I'm interrested in getting 2-3 bottom feeders/corys

As much as possible, i would like the following:

1. They need to get along with my peacefull fish (tetras, blue dwarf rainbows and maybe 1-2 gouramis (the smaller ones))

2. They should stay rather small (2-3 inches) since all i have is a smallish 20G tank

3. They should be active during the day, or at least not totally hiding all day.

I used to have Khuli laches, i loves the way they looked, but were always hiding during the day so i've kinda ruled them out.
Corys are peaceful and get along with everything. They do best in groups, the more the better, so get at least 3. They vary in adult size from about and inch for pygmy to several inches for larger ones. They do not all do equally well in the same temps so that is the main consideration. Here is a link to the site I use for good oictures and thumbnail info on almost all the corys there are:
Cory Encyl.
I have 3 albino cory catfish and they will stay about 2 1/2 to 3 inches long. They are a lot of fun and are very playful. I also have 2 panda corys and they are dolls as well :)

Hi frankycee :)

All corys are peaceful and great citizens of anyone's community tank. :thumbs:

I am partial to the C. aeneus, either the bronze or albinos. They are easy to find, inexpensive and just about as playful and friendly as can be. Like all corys, the more of them you can get, the happier they will be, but if you can get from 3 to 6, you will be fine.

All corys need a little cave so they can get into the shade if the bright lights bother them, but they will come out during the day and evening hours as well. :D
we've got 2 peppered corys that we've had for nearly 4 years, gorgeous cute peaceful little fish. as said they like little corners during the day where they can rest- we've got a heavily planted tank with lots of rock caves.......i love them. ours are a boy & girl ( by pure chance we got them v young - & the boy is a gorgeous emerald green colour in the light, the girl is a little duller in colour but still lovely) we'd love to get loads more corys but dont have room. :D
OoHeatheroO said:
To me corys are like small clown loaches, they love to play :)
To me they are small little clown fish. :lol:
panda cories are a nice smaller cory (less than 2 inches), and very playful. but as said, get a group of three or more the more you have, the more playful they will be.
MAM said:
panda cories are a nice smaller cory (less than 2 inches), and very playful. but as said, get a group of three or more the more you have, the more playful they will be.
I would steer clear of PAndas. They tend to die off quickly. Peppered and greens are cool
Fishy411 said:
MAM said:
panda cories are a nice smaller cory (less than 2 inches), and very playful. but as said, get a group of three or more the more you have, the more playful they will be.
I would steer clear of PAndas. They tend to die off quickly. Peppered and greens are cool
really? i've had mine for two years now, the whole group. no problems personally wth them.
MAM said:
Fishy411 said:
MAM said:
panda cories are a nice smaller cory (less than 2 inches), and very playful.  but as said, get a group of three or more  the more you have, the more playful they will be.
I would steer clear of PAndas. They tend to die off quickly. Peppered and greens are cool
really? i've had mine for two years now, the whole group. no problems personally wth them.
I must be retarded then. I had 1 that did great until i added a second and they both died. Then when i decided to try to go for cories again i put them in my 55 gallon tank and guess what. 3 albinos...... GONE. 2 greens.............GONE. no wi have 2 greens and 1 albino in a 10 gallon I know some other people have had some trouble with them.
I've been told by the board that you have to do gravel vacs alot so they don't get ill with a bacteria infection and water changes, twice a week.
with corys in your tank you need to keep the gravel clean - i do water change of 25% & gravel vacuum once a week, i think theyre susceptible to getting infections in their barbels (little whiskery things they have at the front of their heads) corys also need to be fed - catfsh or algae tablets as they dont just survive on the remains of other fishfood that floats to the bottom even though they are scavengers - that they can survive on leftovers only is a bit of a myth.they also prefer sand or small rounded gravel as its easier on their barbels while their fossicing for food. we've gor small gravel in our tank & our seem quite happy ( had them for nearly 4 years)
lovely little fish - we'd get loads more if we had room

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