Wanted: I would like to see if anyone has a small heater and or filter for sale/giveaway for a small tank I am hoping to set up at work.
Its around 8x11 inches and will house some cardinals or crystal red shrimps.
Condition Required : used is fine, if new or unwanted even better.
Price Limit : Cheap or free, but happy to pay regardless.
Picture or Link to Item
Location: London based if possible or if elsewhere it can be sent then great. Hoping the good people of this forum can help.
Its around 8x11 inches and will house some cardinals or crystal red shrimps.
Condition Required : used is fine, if new or unwanted even better.
Price Limit : Cheap or free, but happy to pay regardless.
Picture or Link to Item
Location: London based if possible or if elsewhere it can be sent then great. Hoping the good people of this forum can help.