Small freshwater fish

Oh yes, I remember your other thread now! Sorry, I haven't been logging in much lately, and my memory has never been great!

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These are the type I have :D Gotta love those bright blue eyes!
But, they're not for everyone, and definitely don't need to get fish that don't appeal to you! CPD's are gorgeous little fish too, and on my list of nano fish I'd like to have someday :)
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I shouldn't think plants are affecting those, but I'm not great with the chemistry either. What were the numbers before theses latest results? Hopefully @Essjay can help here!
😂 that’s ok I’m like that sometimes..
Yes I think a fish should have a humped back and a flat belly the pseudo are the opposite 😆
I’ve been getting readings of around 8d kh for the last few tests some say 10d others read 6d yesterday was 3d but today it’s back at 6d
My ph is stable ish between 6.8-7.2 GH is always at 8d
Well I guess to end this thread I should update that the school of fish I ended up with after all that were 12 x Silvertip tetra.
They’re a lovely looking fish and seem very friendly. Sometimes shy, Always on the hunt for food and have picked off all of the smallest snails so I know they’ll have a constant supply of live food.
I’ve offered frozen bloodworm but by the time they’ve come forward it’s all fallen to the bottom.. at least the Amano like them :)
I believe I have 4 males and 8 females so a good mix and maybe a future project would be to breed them in Malvern water that’s almost devoid of all minerals.
These guys live between 5-8 years which I’m super happy about too.
Looking forward to trying live food at some point but not yet brave enough to try it.
Malvern water that’s almost devoid of all minerals.

I used to live in the Midlands, went to college there, then stayed in the Worcestershire area for a few years, I miss it! Went on hikes in the Malverns and tasted the water fresh from the source - best water I've ever tasted! And perfect for keeping (and breeding!) soft water fish! I'm now back in a hard water area, and hate it - wish I still lived near Malvern! :)
Looking forward to trying live food at some point but not yet brave enough to try it.

No need for bravery! Fish go wild for live food. If you happen to have any fish buckets outside that have collected some rainwater, check for mosquito larvae... it's a great live food that moves enticingly in the mid-water, so tetra and other mid-water feeders all get a chance to get it! My psuedomugli, tetra and cories go wild for it, and it's fun to watch them hunt them down. A very different reaction to the way they react to dried food.

If you do collect mozzie larvae from somewhere, just put them in a container of some kind and check that it's only mozzie larvae in there, and there are no dragon or damselfly larvae there too. When I've found those, I've netted them all and added them to an ice cube tray of water, then freeze them so they can be safely eaten over winter without introducing dragon or damselfly larvae into my tanks.
I used to live in the Midlands, went to college there, then stayed in the Worcestershire area for a few years, I miss it! Went on hikes in the Malverns and tasted the water fresh from the source - best water I've ever tasted! And perfect for keeping (and breeding!) soft water fish! I'm now back in a hard water area, and hate it - wish I still lived near Malvern! :)

No need for bravery! Fish go wild for live food. If you happen to have any fish buckets outside that have collected some rainwater, check for mosquito larvae... it's a great live food that moves enticingly in the mid-water, so tetra and other mid-water feeders all get a chance to get it! My psuedomugli, tetra and cories go wild for it, and it's fun to watch them hunt them down. A very different reaction to the way they react to dried food.

If you do collect mozzie larvae from somewhere, just put them in a container of some kind and check that it's only mozzie larvae in there, and there are no dragon or damselfly larvae there too. When I've found those, I've netted them all and added them to an ice cube tray of water, then freeze them so they can be safely eaten over winter without introducing dragon or damselfly larvae into my tanks.
Thank you so much for your reply :) yes I might go out to Malvern later with some empty bottles :) got loads 😂 I save the empties and fill up once every 2/3 month and that’s our drinking water in the summer :) never thought about breeding fish in it but apparently it would be perfect for my Silvertip.
I gave them a tubifex treat yesterday 😂 those worms get everywhere and it didn’t stay stuck on the glass!!
I bought some sea monkeys 🙈 gunna feed them a few and let my son look after the rest :) never had them before and not sure how many will hatch? A friend at my old work had one or two and she loved them 😂
I wouldn’t know how to differentiate the water bugs outside.. we do have a microscope though so that may help along with Google :) so thanks for the tip 👍🏻🥰💐

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