Small Fish, Big Attitude!


Jan 25, 2011
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Just finished a quick partial water change on my shellie tank, one of the males decided to ruck it out with the end of the vac hose whenever I was vacuuming within 4 inches of his shell. Funniest thing watching a 3 inch long brevis flaring at and biting the end of a bit of 5/8ths tubing!

First time he has done this, normally they just all head straight into their shells at the first sign of trouble! Was worried he was going to go for my fingers.
My multies attack my hand whenever it gets near them, they pack a punch for such a small fish!
never had this behaviour with africans , but when i had new worlds my angels used to swim up and down the gravel vac tube trying to eat all the poo etc as it rose upwards
My punks have such balls and think nothing of attacking hands when the tank is being cleaned. Feisty little things have one hell of a nip too :lol: :lol:
Here was me thinking I was being clever this morning and went into the tank with a long handled plastic spatula to move a little of the sand around and my male Brevis seen that one coming a mile off and made right for my hand and completely ignored the 2ft long spatula... :lol: :lol: :lol:

My 8yr old was watching it and thought it was hilarious seeing dad getting nipped and bitten at half 7 in the morning :nod:

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