small external filter available in UK


New Member
May 4, 2004
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Hi there,

I've a small(5g) tank with a small(4) shoal of white clouds. Purchased for the kiddies without much helpful advice from the lfs I'm afraid.

Anyway, a month later they seem to be alive and well. However, I've read that these things like a bit of water movement. Rather than take all the gravel and plants out of the tank to put in an under-gravel filter, I wondered if a small external filter would be an easier/better option (more water flow ?). Trouble is, there don't seem to be many small filters available either in stores or the net for delivery in the UK. If I spent the apparent minimum of about £30, this would be more than total current investment !

Anyone any recommendations ?


Why do you specifically want an external filter? I can't imagine one doing a tank that small, although you could shut off the valves a little but it would be an expensive option. The fiolter could be used if you were going to upgrade though and would avoid cycling the new tank.

I have never seen them around here but HOB (hang on the back) filters seem good for small tanks.

Or how about a small fluval internal but position it close to the water surface.
Thanks for swift reply.

External because (a) The tank isn't very big and (B) didn't fancy an under gravel.

What exactly are hang-on-back filters ? They sound like they could be what I need - to you know of any examples to search on ? And if they hang on the back, are they external or internal ?!

small internal filter is ideal for a small tank...
either that or a simple air powered foam filter (box filter)

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