Small Cory Only Tank


Fish Fanatic
Nov 24, 2005
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Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Within the next week or so I will be getting a used 10 gallon tank from a relative and have been thinking about turning it into a cory tank. I saw some panda corys at my lps and fell in love with the little guys, but after reading about how difficult they are to keep, I have decided to go with something a little hardier. On the catfish index there are C. metae that look exactly like pandas and I was wondering if they were any easier to keep. Would 10 C. pygmaeus be suitible for the tank size? Any other thoughts or comments are appreciated.
if you are going for the pygmy corys you could fit 12-15 in a 10Gal tank with little or nothing else..

Hi JasonPlus :)

A C. panda species tank can be quite rewarding to keep, but it's true that it might be harder to get established than one with some of the other cory species you might get. If you have some experience keeping fish, and are looking for a challenge, this is the one to go with.

C. metae, aka "bandit corys," are another nice cory that is sometimes available. I would recommend them and suggest keeping 6 of them in your tank.

While C. pygmaeus are fine little corys, they are quite small and are not what you would think of as "typical" corys. Other good choices would be 5 or 6 bronze or albino C. aeneus. They are excellent fish in every way. :thumbs:

I'd go with one of the dwarf corys, habrosus, hastatus or pygmeous as you will be able to fit in a larger group. Habrosus are my favourite as they act more cory like. The others swim at all levels of the tank.

How many C. Habrosus would I be able to fit into my 10 gallon?

Hi JasonPlus :)

You could easily fit a dozen or more, and a betta too, in a 10 gallon tank. This is, of course, providing that it is cycled when you add them. :D
Yes they can be very sensitive to water conditions so cycle the tank for a while with something like a betta, if you like them.

If I take my betta out of his 5 gallon tank and put him in the 10 gallon to cycle, how long would it take to mature? And while he is out of his tank would I keep the filter running in it? This sounds like something I might seriously do so if anyone has any input on this I would greatly appreciate it. :)
You wouldn't be able to cycle the tank with the betta alone. There would only be enough bacteria present to handle the waste he produced. As soon as you added the corys, you would get a pretty big mini cycle. Probably the only way to go would be with a fishless cycle.
if you start with just the betta, then leave it in there for a further 3-4 weeks the tank cycles, and if you slightly increase feeding before adding the 2nd batch of fish.

If you have a tank up and running and it has been for 6 months or so then take some of the gravel or part of the filter sponge from that tank and you have an instant colony of bacteria which you can build apon.

I have had my 5 gallon betta tank running for only a week now, but I'm not planning on setting up the 10 gall. for awhile yet. Would adding some mature gravel and my betta be enough to cycle the 10 gall.? And what would happen to the bacteria colonies while the smaller tank is empty?

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