Small Coco Worm


Crazy Crab Lady
Staff member
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Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
I got a tubeworm on a piece of LR and finally confirmed that it's a red coco worm. It's a baby, with a crown about the diameter of a pea when it's fully extended; the crown is still bi-lobed instead of spiraled. It seems healthy (for now) but I am not sure how to go about feeding it. The tank is so sparsely stocked I doubt there can be much food for it in there. I have some Kent Micro-Vert that I had formerly used to feed freshwater bivalves. Would that work? Should I even try to be feeding it anything at all since it's so small?
Bioplankton or plankton. They are very hard to keep. SH
Will have a look for it today, thanks. I figured keeping it might be difficult and may be a lost cause, but I may as well have a shot at it.
Dang thing! I got the stuff, tried to feed it, and it closes up whenever I bring the pipet near it. Doesn't matter how long I wait...and then it opens as soon as I take my hand out of the water :X
Lol, sounds like the mini fanworm i found on my rock... Finicky little thing
This is just wrong. It's like I'm trying to feed a push/pull toy connected to the pipet. I have up today and just put the stuff into the current where it kind of blows past the baby coco, so hopefully it got a little bit to eat from that.

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