Yes, these tiny organisms seemed to have populated my 20gal. setup. They look like they are attached to the glass with a TINY stalk-like thing and then the tops look lie a broom waving in the current. They could also be likened to a dandelion seed. THe ones that blow in the wind when they mature. SOme people call them "wishes". What are these things? I just noticed my nitrite lvl was a tad high.. Did a 45% water change and added a little aquarium salt.. Help!
*edit: 2 of my loaches have a little ich too so I turned the tank up to bout 80 degrees and added 1 tbl spoon of salt per 5 gallons as the box told me too..
*edit: 2 of my loaches have a little ich too so I turned the tank up to bout 80 degrees and added 1 tbl spoon of salt per 5 gallons as the box told me too..