Can I recommend Trilineatus (False Julii, Three Lined or Three Striped) Corries? They only get around 2 inches long and to be honest I've kept them for a couple years & they aren't any bigger than an 1.5 inches at the largest I have. You could easily add 6 or 8 in a tank that size. They help clean the bottom a bit too.
As for your substrate:
I've kept Corries in my 36 gallon which is a mixture of black sand & black gravel & they did fine. That black gravel is very rounded keep in mind, Now I keep them in a 20 gallon and they seem a bit happier with the Quickrete playsand, which is a finer sand that has a bit of sparkly quartz to it.
As for your substrate:
I've kept Corries in my 36 gallon which is a mixture of black sand & black gravel & they did fine. That black gravel is very rounded keep in mind, Now I keep them in a 20 gallon and they seem a bit happier with the Quickrete playsand, which is a finer sand that has a bit of sparkly quartz to it.