Small Blue Brittle Stars


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I was looking at, and see that they have some small blue brittle stars. This is the description on the website:

"Sm. Blue Brittle Stars
Another Great find. I have found these small Brittle Stars with a definite blue color. I am unsure if they are young brittles that will eventually turn brown or they are truly small blue brittles. I have had a couple for over two months with no signs of growth or color change. They will be shipped in the same way as our Micro Brittle Stars; with little room and lots of macro. They are delicate. "

Do you think they are more likely to be baby brittles? I would like to get these if they were going to stay small, and seahorse safe-but if they are just going to grow up to be regular brittles, I'll just go with the microstars. Thanks. :)
I did not see those on florida pets, but I'd say go for it on 3-5 of them, assuming pice is reasonable. If they are baby brittles then you can sell them, if they are not then they will probably breed and you can sell them.
What are microstars? I really want a sea star but people say there are none that are reef safe :/ and need a deep layer of sand :/
A mircostar looks like a very small brittlestar. I don't think they get much bigger than your thumbnail. I would think these little guys would be reef safe, even beneficial maybe.

I get the floridapets newsletter, and there was a special link there to a "Members Only Page". This is where I found the neat little guys. They are $10 a piece. I think two might be in order (if they even still have them in stock). :nod: :drool:

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