Well, I was out today to get some live plants for my Bettas Eddie and Vincent. I went into this SEEDY little pet store in the mall and I was APPAULED at the conditions. The tanks in the back were full of slime and muck. Things were floating through them. Ugh. Way overcroweded. Fish mislabeled. Fish being kept together that shouldn't be together.
I.e. There was one male betta in each ten gallon tank. Each ten gallon tank also included platties, mollies, guppies, gouramis, oscars, loaches, blah blah blah. So I found a red betta with blue spots cowering in a tank PACKED FULL of feeder goldfish. I bought him and took him home. I got a little one gallon tank together for him that I had laying around and he immediately perked up. His fins opened, and amzingly he has hardly any damage to them at all.
He's swimming around and flaring at Eddie (who lives next to him in the five gallon). He needs a name. Something that means Lucky or Free or something.
The girl who packed the poor little guy DUMPED him carelessly in a bag, tied it with no air in it and then put another rubber band to 'stop leakage'. That first rubber band was just around a fistful of bag and I asked her to let me do it instead so I could transport him semi-safely and not have all his water leak out. Poor little guy. Ugh! It makes me so angry to see things like that. One betta there had a terrible case of fin rot. I would have gotten him but it was on his top fin and it had already eaten that down to his body. There was no hope. I told them about him and they just nodded. sad stuff. But at least New Betta is happier and soon to be healthier.
I.e. There was one male betta in each ten gallon tank. Each ten gallon tank also included platties, mollies, guppies, gouramis, oscars, loaches, blah blah blah. So I found a red betta with blue spots cowering in a tank PACKED FULL of feeder goldfish. I bought him and took him home. I got a little one gallon tank together for him that I had laying around and he immediately perked up. His fins opened, and amzingly he has hardly any damage to them at all.
He's swimming around and flaring at Eddie (who lives next to him in the five gallon). He needs a name. Something that means Lucky or Free or something.
The girl who packed the poor little guy DUMPED him carelessly in a bag, tied it with no air in it and then put another rubber band to 'stop leakage'. That first rubber band was just around a fistful of bag and I asked her to let me do it instead so I could transport him semi-safely and not have all his water leak out. Poor little guy. Ugh! It makes me so angry to see things like that. One betta there had a terrible case of fin rot. I would have gotten him but it was on his top fin and it had already eaten that down to his body. There was no hope. I told them about him and they just nodded. sad stuff. But at least New Betta is happier and soon to be healthier.