

Fish Fanatic
Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
Uhh.. I just looked on the edge of my fish tank and there is a tiny tiny slug crawling up the glass... Where the hell did this come from? I never put him in there.. What is going on? Did he come from my plants? I have a Java fern and Java moss in there. I don't have my fish in there yet, but could he cause any harm to them? I'm really confused where this little guy came from.


That's the best picture I could take. He is about as long as my pinky nail, but not as wide.
Probably from the plants you got. Since the 2nd time we got plants we have always ended up with these guys whenever we get more plants. As far as harming the fish I'm sure someone here will know.
Probably a snail who lost his shell. Snails are common hitchikers on aquarium plants.
Now there is another one... My friend suggested they are hatching off the plants and that most snails are not a danger. Can anyone really tell me if I should be worried here?
you coulkd have eggs in the plants. i suggest filling a bowl with dechlorinated water and vigorously shaking the plants in the bowl. sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. when you put the betta in there, he might make a snack of the snail though.

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