Slowswim's Nano

I don't think i will get any more LR i had some base rock left over from the last time i had ago at this before i moved which im going to add to this one. The Fresh will seed the old.

Im planning to leave the the tank for a month or so with just LR.

The Nano skimmer seems to be working well getting rid of loads of nasty stuff.
I can't stop getting my hands in and changing the aquascape, never happy with it! But i think i've got it how i can bare it :)


Sorry about the front of the tank, need more glass cleaner..

- matt
Just to update,

I tested the water today and here the results:

PH - 8.0-8.3
Amonia - 0.1<
Nitrite - 2.0<
Nitrate - 25

Things are starting, My tank is going through brown aglae syndrome now, i've seen some sort of Crab or shrimp, cant tell as ive only seen the pincers.. So im thinking its nocturnal as i can see lots of grey fishy poop in piles dotted in cetain places.. especially around where most of the macros are growing..

Im also seeing a some sort of threading stewn across the rock could this be my mystery hitch?

Its pincers are purple.. thats about all i can give yall..

Kind regards

- Matt

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