Slow sluggish betta


Fish Herder
Jun 25, 2004
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My friend and I got Cronwtails from the same spawn. They are white/opaque crowns. Mine eats well and seems to be okay, but he he swims around in a slow and sluggish manner and when he eats, he eats a lot but very slowly. Was not too worried, but the Crown my friend got is now dead :sad:

Is there anything I should worry about?
Maybe he didn't acclimize his properly :/ . If yours is acting fine, I would say you have no worries...just watch for any similar symtoms/signs.
Marvin passed away today. I think he may be have been a little more lethargic lately than usual, but I really am not too sure. Since he was never a very active fish, I did not notice that he was apparently sick.

2005 has not been a good year for my fish.
Sorry, no pic. The only digicam I have is an old unit which cant seem to focus close enough to take shots of fish.

Kind of a shocker though to come home an find one Betta on the bottom of its tank. I hope it came peacefully.

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