Sloping Gravel?


New Member
May 18, 2013
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Is there any benefits to sloping the gravel in a tank? (low in front/middle, higher in back/sides) I know it kind of adds depth to the tank. I've heard that it makes the tank easier to clean because a lot of the solid waste falls to the front where you can see it... Is that true?
I know it sometimes causes issues with growing plants, but at the moment I plan on using plastic plants...
I've also heard that it causes the gas that gets trapped in the deeper section of the gravel to turn toxic (similar to what happens in sand.)
So any andvantages or disadvantages? Thanks!

It can be difficult to maintain, as it tends to fall into a flat plain after a while, particularly if any of your fish dig. Plant roots will stabilise it to a degree but, as you say, you're going down the plastic route.
Slopes are indeed good for getting debris into one spot, but then so is a good flow rate on the filter, which is a better way of doing it.
Gas trapping is an issue depending on the depth of substrate and how well it compacts. Sands will compact more easily (some more than others) and will develop gas pockets in shallower substrates than gravels.

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