Slims Planted Journal

you could try one of the four leaf clover species? I think they look lovely, and I'm really looking forward to trying them when I clear some room :)
Iv just seen that on java plants. Does look nice. Does it spread across the floor like a moss?
A lot of the four-leafed clover species (IME anyways) don't stay 4 leafed when grown immersed. They go through an awkward transition period where they lose most of their leaves (like crypts) and then grow with either one or sometimes two leaves on each stem instead of four. They will then spread, albeit slowly, like a lilaeopsis species. However this is just in my experience. :)
I know this is an older post but I love the transformation, inspired me to switch from gravel to sand and just ordered some plants from java plants and cant wait to get started. I have a Juwel 190 Bow.

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