Fish Crazy
Seriously though, I use Stress Coat to condition the water and feel it's the aloe in the stress coat causing the surface oil. I used Amquel/NovaAqua combination but then wondered why I was putting twice as many chemicals in the water and switched back. I also noticed that the fish reacted better to the Stress Coat than the other. Also there was no trace of amonia in the water after using stress coat so there was no reason to put in another chemical. There was a marked difference in my guys when I went to the Amquel/Nova/Aqua combination and quite frankly I became uneasy about using them. Stress Coat seems to work well with them and bubble nests appear almost immediately. I might also add the local LFS uses Stress Coat too which means less of a change for the guys. I also make sure when I pick up a new fish that they leave it in the water it's currently in and not add any new water to them.