Slight Problem With Molly Fry!


New Member
Jun 21, 2008
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My sailfin molly gave birth to 30+ fry about 4 months ago, I managed to save 27 at the time and now have 23 remaining. The problem is they are just not growing! They are in their own 20L tank with no other fish, therfore no competition for food so I just can't understand it! The biggest one is only 2cm and the smallest ones ain't much bigger than when they were born. Now my other problem is that I need to get rid of the tank they are in because I upgraded to a bigger one and don't really have room for the 2 tanks now. I have asked all my LFS's but not one of them will take they fry off my hands :( .......any ideas??
you're unlikely to get any lfs to take them from you, because they breed so prolifically they will get loads of people asking them to take them, they can get good quality stock from a reputable breeder who they know and trust and will have to pay very little, so why would the risk introducing diseases to their tanks by getting them from an unknown source (no offence to your tank personally, just in general they have no idea if it is healthy or not), even if they're free it just doesn't make sense because they could loose a lot of stock by taking them in.

i would suggets advertising them on aquarist classifieds or on the buy sell swap part of this forum.
you're unlikely to get any lfs to take them from you, because they breed so prolifically they will get loads of people asking them to take them, they can get good quality stock from a reputable breeder who they know and trust and will have to pay very little, so why would the risk introducing diseases to their tanks by getting them from an unknown source (no offence to your tank personally, just in general they have no idea if it is healthy or not), even if they're free it just doesn't make sense because they could loose a lot of stock by taking them in.

i would suggets advertising them on aquarist classifieds or on the buy sell swap part of this forum.

Thanks Miss Wiggle, will give that a go! :good: I just hope there is somebody out there who is willing to have them because I don't know what I will do with them if there isn't!!
Fry need warm water, lots of food & regular water changes to grow.
Keep the temperature around 28C and do a 50% water change each day. The water change will dilute any hormones released by the fry.
Feed them 3 or 4 times a day using meat foods like raw prawn, fish, squid & mussel. You can also feed them micro, grindle & white worms, daphnia, frozen bloodworms that have been cut up, and newly hatched brineshrimp. You need the fish to be constantly fat.

If you are getting a new tank buy a stand that is two tiers high. You can have the bigger tank on top and the smaller one underneath. You get to have two tanks and only use up the space needed for one tank :)

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