Slight Panic - Snails


New Member
Feb 14, 2007
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greetings. I'm new to this forum but i've been a member on others.

Here's the deal.

I have a 10 Gal tank with 1 red Beta and 1 Otto. And as of this week. 2 gazillion snails.

Um... help! :blink:
Depends on what you want to do with them. I wont go into out to rid of them. I dont care for using chemicals such as Had A Snail etc. I love snails. Put a lettuce leaf in the tank and watch them attach themselves and you can lift them right out.
Depends on what you want to do with them. I wont go into out to rid of them. I dont care for using chemicals such as Had A Snail etc. I love snails. Put a lettuce leaf in the tank and watch them attach themselves and you can lift them right out.

So just float it on top?

I was looking for a chemical solution. Thinking about buying a 2.5 gal to keep the Betta in for the de-infestation.

I can drop the oto into my other tank for a while.
No, you'd have to weigh the lettuce down. Cucumber may work, as well. You still have a bit of room in your 10g, so a few Dwarf Chain Loaches may be the key. They stay small, and I'm pretty sure they eat snails. You may want to double check that, though.

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