Sleeping on side(?)


New Member
Nov 19, 2020
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Omaha, NE
Hello, I have 6 corydoras and it seems at least a couple or more prefer laying on their side possibly resting, but not sure. I would like to hope they are just in their comfortable sleeping position, because it is how Id lay and they find spots that dont seem like a bad snoozing spot. If I tap on the glass or shine a light on them, they are quick to "wake up" and swim and act normal without any issues or signs of distress. I attached a few photos of an example of one "snoozing" in a small hollowed-out log decoration. Is this something to be worried about? The log decoration is sitting on a pink coral looking thing, which is a weird spot for it but I put it there trying to make different hiding spots.


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Not gonna lie, I would have freaked out the first time I saw that tail poking out of that log!

Maybe @NCaquatics has some thoughts on this :)
Lol I did, for at least the first handful of times I seen it. Ive had them for at least a couple of months now and theyve been doing this for as long as I can recall. Usually I will tap the glass and/or flash light just to be sure, but every time I do they just "get up" quick and appear completely fine. Seems they each have their own little sleeping spot, nice little shady areas that seem ideal for a nap to me.
They lay on their side like that because they're yoyo loaches not corydoras :p
AHHH yes!!!! For the life of me I could not remember the name of these fish and for whatever reason, I have really no clue because Im new to this, corydora came to my mind and some pictures looked like they kind of were similar. I just figured I didn't know exactly what kind of corydora I had. Well, embarrassment aside..... this is normal for yoyo loaches? :)
Also, holy cow it is so much easier getting google results for yoyo loaches laying on side vs corydoras. Five minutes ago I had the mental preparation for my whole tank eventually dying, one by one for months. But now that I know they are actually yoyo loaches, I can conclude that they apparently party til early in the morning and sleep in. Yoyo like cool yo I guess, yo yo!
Yeah yoyo loaches do weird things. Many loaches do this actually. Totally normal to find them laying about like they're dead lol
Cool. Thank you for the knowledge. Here I was thinking I had some corydoras.... sheesh lol. I also have some striped kuhli loaches and didnt even consider they were yoyo loaches (even though I bought them that way) because the kuhli loaches are like, little eels/worms/snake looking things that all stay in a little patch of bush thing. I wont get off topic now that I already started completely in wrong thread. Thank you again, much appreciated!
Loaches and Corydoras both sleep on their sides sometimes. It depends on the fish too, some prefer sleeping on their back, some on their side, some normal on their stomach. It's nothing to worry about as long as the water quality is good.
I'd stop tapping on the glass and shining lights on them ;) they're just tryna sleep ;)

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