Slate tiles - What can I make from them ?

Rich T

Fish Fanatic
Jul 24, 2004
Reaction score
UK - West Midlands
Ive got hold of 5 large slate tiles (Floor tiles) and some aquarium silicon.
Out of one of the tiles I have made a large corner cave for my cories with an area on top where I intend to attach some java moss.

I will post some pics later when the silicone has had time to set.

That leaves me with 4 large tiles and a pile of large shards
I have thought of making slate plant pots of sorts for example another cave with a sealed off area which I can put plants or a long narrow box that can sit at the back of the tank for plants to grow in That would make them easily managed and easy to remove without disturbing the gravel substrate

Anyone got any recomendations ?
Depending on your lighting level you could cover some in riccia for a cave "roof". You'll need at least 2 watts per gallon for it to grow properly plus co2. here's mine (3 watts per gallon, co2 and fertaliser) it's held down with a nylon hairnet, after about a month the new growth hides the netting.




For lower light tanks without co2 you can do the same thing with Java moss.

hope that helps.
You could also make a very interesting DIY background. Break the slate up into interesting designs then silicon it to the back of the tank leaving gaps between each peice. You could then use a dark sand or something to fill in the gaps, again with silicon and attach plants and such in the cracks and grooves.
Heres my slate cave, now that the silicone has set. The top section will have Java moss attached to it to hide the black sealent you can see.

I had to add a support between the two layers as it kept falling apart :lol:
I tried doing it with small pieces of slate but they were just too sharp and could have hurt the fish so I used a piece of plastic pipe instead (This wont be visible when looking into the tank)

This will sit in the rear left corner of my tank to make use of the dead space under my filter which is incidently where the cories like to hide anyway :)
The pieces are set at a perfect 90 degree angle so it will fit right into the corner

There will be plants by both corners to give it a little more of an enclosed feel.

The pictures dont do the slate much justice at all, it goes a nice purple / grey colour when its under water.

The fish in my tank are the ones in my sig by the way, no angles, just a gourami and 3 cories plus whatever I choose at the LFS tomorrow in the way of small schooling fish like neons or black phantoms tetras.


Can I ask where you got the tiles from ?!? ;)

I'm looking for some slate tiles to make caves for my plecs ;)


andy - last time i was at derby garden centre (little eaton) in the aquatics they had some just like that.

Rich T said:
Heres my slate cave, now that the silicone has set. The top section will have Java moss attached to it to hide the black sealent you can see.

I had to add a support between the two layers as it kept falling apart :lol:
I tried doing it with small pieces of slate but they were just too sharp and could have hurt the fish so I used a piece of plastic pipe instead (This wont be visible when looking into the tank)

This will sit in the rear left corner of my tank to make use of the dead space under my filter which is incidently where the cories like to hide anyway :)
The pieces are set at a perfect 90 degree angle so it will fit right into the corner

There will be plants by both corners to give it a little more of an enclosed feel.



How uncanny.......This is exactly what I am planning for my cories in my community tank!!

I was hoping to make it a little more intricate somehow, perhaps with additional levels or something, but looking at yours it is perfect for them. :thumbs:

(not pinching your idea...honest :*) )

Cheers for that mate, I'll pop in and have a look !! ;)

By the way, that slate cave looks superb mate !!! :cool:
Slate tiles came from B&Q in the flooring section and were a little pricey at £7.50 ish for 5 tiles but they are very nice high quality ones. They were called "Black Slate" but come up a nice grey/purple in water.

They had some "Natural Slate" which looked very nice too but I was concerened that it had some orange streaks running through it which were probably Iron deposits ?? Best to avoid those

To get the slate to shatter initialy I had to use a sledge hammer, this gave me the nice large pieces with all of the layers split nicely, after that a regular hammer was used to knock off sharp pieces and to get the desired shape

Be warned though the sledge hammer method sends not only large pieces but also thousands of very small sharp shards flying in every direction :D

Best to do it on an old blanket so you can gather all of the pieces up without risk of kids finding them and cutting themselves.

I did consider making it a multi layered piece but thinking about it my cories spend all of their time on the substrate so I doubt they would swim upto the second layer. It might be a good idea if you have other small fish that swim higher up the tank.
Ive just added a finishing touch in the form of two small pieces of slate to hide the odd looking plastic support.

Looks much better now :D

That Is Really Good.

Another Thing as Mentioned is to create Planters. That could be Planted with Plants and SAnd Filled to Hold them. All On Different Levels to Create a Planted Terrace.

Giving Me Ideas. B+Q you Say, Will Have to Have a look.
Heres my second piece complete with planting area and a small sheltered area :)
I plan to put a mixture of Amazon swords, Red Vallis and Elodea Densa in this planting area


I got a delivery of plants today so it should be finished shortly
I also got a clump of Java Moss for the first piece but its useless as its mostly dead
So for now the first piece is in the tank but looks a little bare :(

I was going to but the slate tiles from Home Depot, but I didnt think they were safe!! it was 1.29 per square foot! Darn. I'm sure I'll be going back now though, I think I can add on to my cave, it cost me $13 for my rock from Lfs, and then silicon was $7something!

Heres my cave...


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