Skunk Corys


Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
Central NJ
i bought a bunch of skunk corys a couple of months ago. since then they have not grown at all. do corys grow slowly or are they fully grown? they're like only an inch long or so. the profile here says they'll get to be about 2 inches. my water params are good and they eat well. could i be doing something wrong? i don't know much about catfish in general. i'm a cichlid guy.

thanks in advance for any answers :D
They are a small Cory. The females will be bigger than the males. Corys do take time to reach their full size. It can take a couple of years for a female Cory to reach her full girth. I don't know how they determine size. Male size, female size, or an average of both. My female pepper, who is at least 2 years old would make 3 boys in mass. The lengths I guess aren't as different. But the ladies are so much heftier at full maturity that they look like they are longer, I guess. I would guess that fish purchased at the lfs/lps are young and will take awhile. Check back in a year. :D

I am assuming that you don't have those little guys in with any cichlids more aggressive than apistos.

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