Skirt tetra questions

When these are gone, I may get more. Not sure yet, as I am still entertaining the idea of converting this tank to a brackish fiddler crab tank when all current inhabitants are gone, but I'm still undecided on that. And I'm really liking the skirt tetras' behavior. They are more lively than the other tetras. Not aggressive, just lively. Their bossiness is confined to their own group. They ignore the other fish. Also, there is a bamboo shrimp in the tank and they leave her alone too. I think that a larger group of them would be very interesting. The next time I stock fish (oh, notice how I said "the next time" and not "if I choose fish rather than crabs". . . hmmm) I am thinking a species-only tank. I'm putting these guys on my consideration list. I should think about something besides tetras too though. Oh, the possibilities!
This time around I have only had tetras (neon, red eye, ember and glow light) plus cory in my main tank. Have guppies in my turtle tank (turtles seem to leave them alone) I have had crabs in the past and they are interesting to watch just make sure you have a secure lid. I now have ghost shrimp with some snails in a 30 gallon tank-they are also entertaining. I like my glow light tetras the best, not only do they look good and get along well but are very active and so far they have had 2 fry.

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