Skinny Ray


Fish Aficionado
Nov 4, 2005
Reaction score
middx heathrow
does she look like shes put on any weight?i have been feeding her constantly for nearlly a month now


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heh like the first pic, she looks quite chunky from those pics.

Can you still see the hip bones? can't really tell from those shots.
Is the first pic before and the 2nd pic a month later? It's difficult to tell -- poor thing looks like she was sick.
What do they eat in the wild? What kind of ray is she?
no they are not before and after pics i posted the other pics when i first got the moment i feed her shrimp bloodworm and earthworm until i wein her onto proper the month ive had her she has not refused food once its shocking how much they can eat honestly i could stand there and feed her ALL DAY and i did for the first week.on average i would say i visit the lfs 3 times a week for shrimp and spend £10 each time tho it will be a lot easier and cheaper when shes eating fish etc.her hips are still showing but not as bad i dont think
oh and shes a columbian motoro :shifty: heres a better pic paul


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first pic shows a very healthy ray Exiled, she's pushing her face into the sand whilst blowing in search for food. A healthy ray will be looking for food 95% of the time.

I see she's eaten well from that last pic but still on the skinny side with hip cones still obvious, another couple of months and she'll be chunky, remember to keep trying chunky foods, motoro's usually take bigger foods from the start.
she looks good now i would stop the live foods now for 10 days and just feed frozen prawns dont defrost it brake it up small when frozen and throw it in

the longer you keep her on live food the harder it will be to get her off and river shrimp will cost silly money to feed a 10inch ray
don't know the first thing abour ray's but just thought i'd say she looks lovely :wub:
so no more shrimps and worms for 10 days.q&a often do i offer the prawn to her?how long shall i leave it in there if she ignores it?how long roughly does it take for them to come round?and finally how long can a ray go without food?thx
a ray can go without food for about 14 days and normally go longer before they are shipped

if the ray like earth worms cut a few of them up and let the frozen prawn marante in the worm blood over night then feed the next day

try feeding prawns everyday at the same time if the ray doesnt eat them remove them after 15 mins 30 max

if after 1 week the ray is not eatting the prawn then give it a bad of river shrimp DONT give in and keep doing this until the ray starts to take dead food

once the ray takes the prawn dont feed the river shrimp for about 2 monnths after or it will just stop eatting the prawn again
i soaked 2 chopped silver sides in earthworm blood for an hour and she ate the lot :) i had already tried this with bloodworm blood but it didnt work i dont know why i didnt think of using the earthworms they are her favourite.first she sifted throught it all and picked out all the worm bits then went back :) so i should keep doing this for a while now?
wait for T1K's reply but i would say...

do it like for a few more times and then after a day or so start adding bits of silver side that aren't soaked in earth worm goodness. If she eats the bits that aren't soaked then continue to change over to just silver side. If she doesn't eat the un-soaked ones then just make sure you remove any uneaten bits and keeps trying!

She'll get the taste for chunkier foods now.
i only have one reply


what ever you do dont feed live earth worms or river shrimp now for at least 2 months or you will be back were you started

i would still try to get her onto prawn as i find them less messy than other foods and unless you have lots of other fish to go around eatting the small bit of white bait or silver sides then you may start to get water problems

if the earth worm blood is working for you also try it with pellets as they soak up a lot more blood and have lots of good stuff in them to fattern up rays mine love hikari carnivore catfish pellets the ones with the RTC on the pack its just a shame we cant get hikari food hear in the UK at the moment as i had a few hand fulls of this pellet left over and just throw them in and the rays went mad for them i havent tryed other types of pellet

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